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Recognize fake and original samsung micro SD

Before you know that there is more than a single imitation of these devices, as experience I have found 2 types of fakes I will now teach you how to identify a fake Samsung micro SD memory before or after the purchase.

Before buying

Antes de la compra es importante ver lo siguiente:

2 types of fakes

There are 2 types of counterfeits which are:

The one behind the packaging says Made in Korea
The one behind the SD says Made in Taiwan

  • The one behind the packaging says Made in Korea
  • The one behind the SD says Made in Taiwan

Fakes Made in Korea

The micro SD memories they say made in Korea (behind the packaging) are easier to identify, the packaging has a lousy finish, the design of the brand on the card has an aspect of being painted, if behind the packaging it says Korea is not An original product.

Counterfeit in the Philippines or India

In fact, the original is made in Phillippines, the new generations of counterfeits have the appearance of being so genuine that they are not, these micro SDs are mostly those sold in electronic stores and shopping centers, it is almost difficult to get an original unit Samsung in stores, no matter how you swear it is the real thing, now you will see how to identify a fake micro SD with the naked eye before buying it.

Ver más:  Identify original and fake Samsung USB flash drive

The image shows the packaging of a Samsung SD micro Made in Philippines but in the code of the micro SD the “IN”, “APC” or in others is usually “CN” this means that the micro SD is false. The packaging is made of a very simple cardboard that mimics the original very well.

Memoria micro SD Samsung Falso
Samsung micro SD memory False IN, CN or APC

empaque de micro sd falso
The packaging has a design similar to the original although the quality of the material is appalling

This is an ORIGINAL micro SD card

The packaging design has a thick cardboard material.

samsung el diseño del empaque cuenta con un material de cartón grueso

In this image, you can see that the code is “EU” which is totally genuine and the manufacturing was in the Philippines.

La fabricación es Made in Philippines y esta recubierto de un material plastificante
The manufacture is Made in Philippines and is coated with a plasticizer material (original)

The packaging icons are covered with a plasticized material that shines when turning.

 iconos del empaque esta recubiertos de un material plastificado
Iconos plastificados

The color of the original SD card is engraved and there are no signs of imperfections.

micro sd samsung original genuino

Plasticized material is present throughout the package.

empaque sd samsung original
The storage size number is coated
empaque de sd samsung evo

Those were guidelines to identify a micro SD before buying, now I will teach you how to identify an SD after purchase.

There are applications for Android such as Sd Insight which verifies if the SD is authentic but not available for versions higher than Android 7.

Do not worry there is an official Samsung computer software to verify if the device is ORIGINAL, you can download from the official Samsung Memory Card & UFD Authentication Utility page, or you can download from my external link, you just have to start the program and insert the SD on the computer and the scan is automatic.

Producto genuino Samsung

The other way to verify its authenticity is the Certification Check, which is located behind the micro SD card, and manufacturing in the Philippines is also present, as shown in the image.

sd samsung original
Made in Philippines y la certificación original

Advantages and disadvantages of fake memories

A false micro SD will always have many points against it, one of them is that the files are usually damaged, it will not have the amount of storage, in case of any failure the memory needs to be formatted without the possibility of recovering the information, the speed of reading and writing It is very slow the only advantage is the cheap price.

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Unfortunately in the streets it has become very common to find these fake units, I consulted the Samsung technical service which told me that these devices do not sell them to any merchant, much less wholesale, the only way to buy an original Samsung device are at certified points of sale, recognized stores or branches of the same company.

If you want to buy a Samsung micro SD card without packaging make sure you see the back of the SD card, if it says Made in Taiwan or Korea is false the original must say Made in Philippines with the Certification Check.

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Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio is a Systems Analyst with a passion for programming and web design. He founded AnthonCode to blend his technical expertise with creativity. As a writer and developer, he focuses on creating innovative and effective digital solutions.

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